AI or EI, that is the question


Artificial Intelligence or Emotional Intelligence, which determines success?

With the rise of AI as an integral part of business these days, it is important not to forget the role that EI has in driving success.  

When I first learned about AI, I thought to myself, “Man… the Jetson’s were way ahead of their time” and when shown how the data science works behind the algorithms, the patterns looked like something out of Star Wars. Seemingly way over my head, I had an immediate respect for those who were developing this cutting edge technology.

AI is forming the next generation, our culture and society.  Look at the impact of Facebook, Apple, Amazon etc.  It has unimaginable potential that is reengineering the world in which we live.  

That said, when it comes to personal performance, you cannot overlook the human element.  The one thing that will never be automated is our human potential through refined Emotional Intelligence.  No matter how much machine learning improves business, products, services and our lives, we cannot disregard the unique emotional framework and fortitude that is in each and every one of us. 

Artificial Intelligence cannot predict the unexpected in our daily lives.  It is not a crystal ball that tells us our future or forms the direction we take when the unexpected occurs.

It may be predictive but it is not prescriptive.

Think about it, something new happens every day.  A $5 scratch ticket delivers a $100 win, an unexpected fender bender makes you late for work, a child is born, a loved one dies, we are promoted, demoted or laid off … or an unexpected kindness brightens our day.  Regardless of the positive or negative nature of the event, you can never wholly anticipate the unique impact of the unexpected on you as an individual … and it will alter your mood and the actions you take for the rest of that day. 

Being able to recognize and manage the way we respond to life’s twists and turns requires Emotional Intelligence.  

As defined:

e·mo·tion·al in·tel·li·gence


noun: emotional intelligence

  1. the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one's emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically. "emotional intelligence is the key to both personal and professional success"

When we think of work, we have to take into consideration life events and how they impact attitude, effort, communication and performance.  To think otherwise would be a gross oversight.  For the days that are positive, it is easy to identify factors contributing to success and production.  Work and life seem easy to manage.  On the not so great days, perspective can become very cloudy and seem impassable.  No person is immune to the unexpected, but the person who can recognize, address and harness the emotions associated with them will be able to perform and succeed at a higher level.  

Our world is constantly changing and life like the Jetson’s is becoming a reality.  However, we, just like George Jetson, still need to manage life’s unexpected challenges to perform at work. 

No matter where Artificial Intelligence takes us, we remain human.

Take the time to reflect on the events that unfold to create your day.  Recognize them and how they make you feel.  Adjust accordingly to create the positive outcome you seek and let those changes impact the results of a productive and positive day. 

Embrace Emotional Intelligence to drive your personal performance and success.